Payment Methods

In cash or by payment card when picking up the goods in store

You can pay for the goods in our store. If you choose this payment method, you will settle not at the time of the order, but when you pick up the goods. Payments can be made in cash or with a payment card.

By e-banking

 Currently, payments for goods from can be made using Paysera payment system. We’ll see your payment right away!

How to pay for your order using e-banking: Fill out your order and select “Payment through Paysera” and your bank in the “Payment method” step of the order. You will then be redirected directly to the selected bank’s online banking login page. Once the login data is entered, you will already see the completed payment order form, it will simply have to be confirmed and the order will be confirmed immediately.

By PayPal

PayPal is the most popular form of payment for online purchases worldwide. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in 190 countries and regions of the world. We will see payment via Paypal immediately
Please note: If you choose this payment method, we will only send the goods to the PayPal account holder and only to the address indicated in the PayPal account.

By bank transfer

If you choose this payment method, you will have to transfer the sum of the order value to our account. You can do this by logging in to your e-banking system or in any bank branch or post office. Upon payment for the goods by bank transfer, the status of the order does not change to “Payment received” immediately, as the payments received are not linked to the orders automatically. managers check and verify payments on a regular basis, at least twice a day (about 11:00 and 14:00). You can send a copy of the bank transfer to inform us about the payment sooner.

Account details:

Payee: Rimtoma, JSC
P/A:  LT327044090100053323
Bank: AB SEB
Registration code: 124560250
Payment purpose: enter the order number here
Payment code: enter the order number here

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I - V: 09:00 - 18:00 hrs.
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Allow us 2 business hours to respond.

VIN - vehicle identification number. You can find it on your vehicle registration document.

Please provide ALL 17 characters. Letters are case-insensitive.